Friday, February 28, 2014

'500 Days Of Summer'

*Here comes late Valentine's blog*

I love that movie. That movie is nice. It's deep. When people ask me "What is love?", I don't really know what to tell them and I think there is no wrong answer. I think it depends on how that person sees it, or how someone made them see it. I don't know, i'm 17. I know. There are younger people than me who "knows" what love is, just because they're in a relationship but I think you just wouldn't know. It changes. You just wouldn't know until someone comes to give you the meaning of it. It's not like i've never been in-love before, I have but I never put a label on it or anything. The guys that I 'dated' know that we're never boyfriends and girlfriends but that we are much more than friends, that he is special to me. I don't know when it started but one day, I just decided, commitment is just too much. I don't want to be tied. I want to love but to still be free. Like, if you're in a relationship, you can't be friends with other boys, you can't hang out with other boys, because that other thinks you're 'his' and that is just stupid for me at the moment. And that is how I can relate to Summer in this movie. I mean, you can be in-love with each other without being each other's boyfriend or girlfriend. That doesn't make your feelings fake. It's just a label. You can go out on dates, hold hands, kiss, without putting a label on it and just having fun and being happy in each other's company. I just think it doesn't make any difference whether you're official or not, you are still happy together, and it is still love. Just because you are not 'official' doesn't make it less happy, and if it does, think again.

I'm not like this because I came from a broken family or something, like people like me who chooses no commitment. I am actually from a happy family. My parents are so much in-love, they've been married for 25 years now and this is why I believe in love. I don't see any other married couples around me kiss each other before the other one leaves, or hold hands, or hug, or just do sweet things, but my parents still do all of this which made me a love believer. I always ask myself, why do love go away to these people when it should be more, after spending years together? I love being in-love. That feeling when even if you're not together, even if you're talking through phone, or text, or chat, it gives you the butterflies and the excitement and you smile uncontrollably. I also think that love can come to a person regardless of it's age, it's gender, or even it's belief. Just because they're 12, doesn't mean their love is fake or it's just a 'crush'. Only them would know. Gays being in-love is just magical for me, because despite them being 'supposed' to love the opposite sex, they still find each other attractive and happy together and just love each other, breaking the 'rules'. It's awesome. You may believe in different Gods or just simple beliefs but you can still love each other. I actually know married couples who belong on different religions and they're still happy, that never set a boundary. Couples who fight because of believing on different things, but that doesn't make them love each other any less.

 Love really is magical. I can't explain it. I think no one can say that their definition of 'love' is the official definition of it. And about me not committing, i'm not saying i'm gonna stay like this forever, not commit to anyone, because I believe there is always someone who's gonna change you. I think I just haven't met him yet. The one who would make me want to label him as 'mine'. And like Summer, I would be surprised and just wake up one day and think, I like to commit myself to this person. And I can't wait to meet him. Stay in-love! x

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